These enemies of me are me, the dozy me
Foes say, its stupid me they see
Fingers pointed like pistols at me
Its you! its you! eveybody says with glee
I know its me, dont they say its me?
I feel so horrible, i want to pee
My own voice --"traitor voice" says "me"
My friends, they too joined in the melee
The cowrd me, screamed "why me"?
I ran away, afraid of what i forsee
He begged me to change my name, not be me
i declined, refusing to be in me, a refugee
In a voice as cool as menthol, said me
"Lay! dont be nobody's employee"
My bones became weak, my eyes dopey;Oh lazy me
I lay and let the wide world fill me with ennui
If came now, told me if i could be me
If only i could make "If" flee
I could be a better me, be all i could be
Make money and go on a spree
I have great mind, says the real me
Use it and you will be free
I finally got here, overtaking the enemy me
And said,nothing better than being the real me
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