Tuesday, September 19, 2006


These enemies of me are me, the dozy me
Foes say, its stupid me they see
Fingers pointed like pistols at me
Its you! its you! eveybody says with glee

I know its me, dont they say its me?
I feel so horrible, i want to pee
My own voice --"traitor voice" says "me"
My friends, they too joined in the melee

The cowrd me, screamed "why me"?
I ran away, afraid of what i forsee
He begged me to change my name, not be me
i declined, refusing to be in me, a refugee

In a voice as cool as menthol, said me
"Lay! dont be nobody's employee"
My bones became weak, my eyes dopey;Oh lazy me
I lay and let the wide world fill me with ennui

If came now, told me if i could be me
If only i could make "If" flee
I could be a better me, be all i could be
Make money and go on a spree

I have great mind, says the real me
Use it and you will be free
I finally got here, overtaking the enemy me
And said,nothing better than being the real me


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