I just read an article in yesterday's Sun.Its entitled "The Death of Outrage". i dont know if its deliberate,but the news of Dariye's so called impeachment came three stories down when the headlines were being read on NTA.Maybe it was deliberate in order to remove the shock factor, maybe its a symptom of a deeper malaise.."the death of outrage".Most times in the evenings i discuss politics, football, current happenings and other stuff guys talk about with my Uncles and friends.But i noticed a peculiar thing happenning today.Though we all watched the news last night (its a ritual), nobody really cared to talk about what transpired in Plateau State yesterday(6/30 ? = whole number).It was like i was sapped of all strenght myself. What is happennig to Nigerians?Abi we don dey grow thick skin for this one too?.
Its quite like we've grown thick skin to hunger, unemployment, incessant fuel price increases, epileptic education system, unfulfilled promises by our politicians etc.Now, are we now senile even to the rape of our laws.We rather not be, because only our laws can keep us from falling into the abyss of anarchy.Before you get it all wrong, i cant support corruption. Ewoo Tufiakwa!.But this is more like mob action.People shouting "we no go gree".An Igbo proverb says "The hen is not cawing that what is holding her should leave her, she is, because she wants the world to hear her voice before she gets killed".Let us continue to talk, even when we are helpless, its the only tool we have.We have no where to go to.If we let our outrage die and those that has held us hostage get to know this, then we are doomed.
I fear for this land.I fear!
wow. what an extremely powerful entry.
what's sad is that many here in the united states feel the same way. apathy is a disease that's spreading at a furious clip, as is the fear that comes with the possibility of chaos. i know here it has alot to do with people being more concerned with material posessions than the welfare of their brethren.
i will pray that the hens keep cawing and that someone will hear.
Those in the States are trying to cahnge things...at least thru the ballot box.Remember GOP Congress off, Democrats In.Are we ready?
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